
How To Make a Better Marketing Plan For 2020

Written by Lindsey Griffith | Nov 4, 2019 4:45:00 PM

We may think we are doing everything we can to grow our businesses, but let's be real - we have no clue. That's where a marketing plan comes in! There are things you can do to better prepare for 2020, so let's talk about some tips to make a better marketing plan which will make you achieve your goals quickly and more effectively.

Focus Less on Spending, More On Building Your Tribe.

Ad spend is so 2019. Make it a goal in your marketing plan to increase engagement among your current followers and build your community of supporters. Post your content in groups related to your business to build trust with like-minded people. Try to engage in 2-3 groups on your business page in the new year...which brings us to our next tip:

Establish Numerical Goals.

It's important to establish numerical goals so you can keep track of your progress. By setting benchmarks, you can set goals for yourself and your business to reach for each month - which help you grow and make money! It's also nice to track and report your growth, so you and learn from past mistakes and nurture the tactics that work for your business.

Start Making Your Plan Now.

No, we mean RIGHT NOW! In order to create the best marketing plan for your business, you need to begin months before the first planned tactic is ready to be implemented. Drafting up this first copy of the plan also allows you to go back and take another look and make edits. Because, well, sometimes our first draft isn't always the strongest. 

It's no secret, marketing planning is extremely stressful. Thinking about what will happen in the next 12 months is extremely hard to visualize, especially when your job entails much more than creating marketing plans. Need some work taken off your plate? ThrivePOP can help! 

Want a free marketing plan for 2020? We got you.